What Is the Discipleship Deficiency?

Growing up I had one thing on straight—I believed in God and the Bible, specifically, that Jesus was really who he said he was, the Son of God, and that the Bible was inspired by God. My understanding was not very deep on any of it, but it did not matter, as those foundational beliefs were present. It’s what made me a Christian. But what does this have to do with discipleship, or the discipleship deficiency? Everything...


Three Ways To Understand Conversion

Popular dictionaries list many different definitions for conversion. In all the definitions, the word "change" is continually used to convey the meaning, regardless of the context (monetary, scientific, medical, religious, etc.) Conversion to Christianity can be understood on three levels—the broad sense, the strict sense, and the discipleship sense. Understanding these has implications for living the Christian life.


Examining 1 John 1:5-10 (Paper)

I hope you will enjoy this paper on "An Exegesis of 1 John 1:5-10." Decoding the theology-speak, the word "exegesis" simply refers to trying to understand the original, intended meaning of a written text. My goal therefore is to look at and understand this critical passage of Scripture in light of its first century context. Why was it written, and to whom? With this we can understand what John originally meant when he wrote it, and also how it applies to us today. Also, 1 John 1:9 is of some controversy as it deals with confession of sin: does it refer to the Christian’s need to acknowledge having sin in general, or is it a decree for the Christian to confess everyday sins as they occur in order to stay forgiven?


A Healthy Perspective on Prayer Changes Our Prayer Life

ONE of the most important elements of a prayer life is our perspective on prayer. In general, the perspective we take toward spiritual things often determines the actions that will come out of us. Our actions flow from the source of personal faith and convictions. A healthy faith and perspective will produce healthy and fruitful results. If faith and convictions on spiritual things are shallow or stagnant, then the fruits of our lives and actions...