Examining 1 John 1:5-10 (Paper)

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I hope you will enjoy this paper on “An Exegesis of 1 John 1:5-10.” Decoding the theology-speak, the word “exegesis” simply refers to trying to understand the original, intended meaning of a written text. My goal therefore is to look at and understand this critical passage of Scripture in light of its first century context. Why was it written, and to whom? With this we can understand what John originally meant when he wrote it, and also how it applies to us today.

Also, 1 John 1:9 is of some controversy as it deals with confession of sin: does it refer to the Christian’s need to acknowledge having sin in general, or is it a decree for the Christian to confess everyday sins as they occur in order to stay forgiven? First John 1:9 must be interpreted within the greater context of the passage, and this context must be given its due authority to reveal the meaning.

The paper begins with an introduction, then goes into the historical and literary contexts of when 1 John was written, then moves to an overview, and then to the main portion of the actual exegesis which is written in a commentary style, addressing each verse in depth. Admittedly, the literary context and overview by nature are a bit dry and technical, but it is worth it as it provides vital information to set up the commentary.

Again, I hope you enjoy this walk through 1 John 1:5-10, and that it spurs you to much thought, wrestling, and also comfort. And, as always, comments are open for discussion.

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