The Age of Accountability

A popular statistic says nearly 85 percent of people who make a decision for Christ do so between the ages of 4 and 14. But how young is too young? And is there an age that is right for a child to become a Christian? When does a child reach the age of accountability where, in God's eyes, he needs a savior?

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Helping Fielding Melish: A Challenge from Frank Viola

One of the top 10 Christian bloggers, Frank Viola, has posted a very interesting challenge for Christians to try to answer. Following is his proposed scenario, with a specific question to answer (highlighted in red) after said scenario. My response then follows his question. Got it? Good, then check it out...


In the Dust of the Rabbi

I love the phrase "in the dust of the Rabbi." It is so foreign to our 21st century ears, but so important to understand today. It’s where you want to be. And when you see where that is, if you haven’t already, you will want to get there as soon as possible. You will want to live there. In fact, I am going to encourage you to do just that. And what may sound even more extreme—once you are there you will wonder how you ever viewed your Christianity any other way. It is that powerful.